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A Bad Run: 20 Miles was Great, 13... not so much

A couple weeks ago, I got a new pair of shoes. The same pair I was running in before, just the upgraded version. I should have known after my first run in them. They were stiff. They were flat where my other ones felt like they were curved to fit my feet perfectly.

During an 18 mile run two weekends ago, I was having a hard time getting started again after water stops during the last 5 miles. I limped my way through the miles 15-17, but felt strong, and was able to sprint the last mile. I got checked out by a Physical Therapist after that run, and after all sorts of one legged squats and resistance exercises, she determined that I was really strong, especially after 18 miles. It was probably the freaking shoes.

Last week, we ran twenty miles. I wore my old shoes. It was fantastic. I felt great! I wasn't sore the next day, and I completed all of my miles this past week with no problems, including speed sessions.

Today, during mile three, I started having some pain in my knee.

At mile four, I was hoping it would go away.

Miles five through seven involved some controlled breathing.

I love my training group so much. I had four people checking in with me and suggesting that I call it quits. So much kindness.

No question - the best decision was to drop out.

This weekend was a drop week, so I wasn't missing out on much. It made no sense for me to continue. Why put myself in danger of making it worse?

Luckily, I am training with Fleet Feet here in Nashville. (I cannot imagine training with any other group. Wonderful pre-planned routes, weekly mileage plans, water & nuun stops, awesome athletes to bounce off ideas, and the most encouraging pacers!) That comes with the option to get picked up if you need to.

Special thanks to Russ for coming to get me! It was great chatting with Russ, he is getting ready to do Rim to Rim in May, 50 miles in the Grand Canyon with an 11,000 ft elevation gain. W-O-W-Z-A!! And since he is a seasoned runner, he has had his share of bad runs too.

The silliest part about all of this, is that I would think anyone else was an idiot if they kept running.

I may have shed some tears as soon as my training group resumed their run, and maybe some more intermittently while I was driving home. But deep down, I know it was the right decision. I haven't really spent much time today dwelling on it.

My newest favorite thing is snapchat, where many of these lovely photos were taken from. My precious GOTR co-coach Mary saw my snaps, sent me a text, asking what was wrong. I told her, and she said, 'I'm sorry. But I'm glad you made the choice. Your running does not determine your worth!!'.


A humbling run. Another lesson that sometimes, pushing through is not the best, most noble thing to do. I think things will get better, I was able to moonwalk and do the running man in the middle of Lowes today.

All that to say, I am already looking forward to next weeks run and will be icing and rolling until then! Have you had a bad run recently? Injury kept you on the sidelines? Share your thoughts with me! Follow me on snapchat: corrielanderson and on Instagram @corrielanderson, or leave a comment below!!